Ayurveda Healing Ananga Ayurveda Healing Ananga

Ayurveda: Natural Relief for Itchy, Irritated Eyes

According to Ayurveda irritated eyes are a result of pitta aggravation. This disturbance of the fire humour causes itching and irritation, it can also cause inflammation of the conjunctiva which we then call conjunctivitis or "pink eye". Pink eye is extremely uncomfortable and can include burning pain and a mucous discharge from the eyes.


Cooling Things Down

Fortunately, with a little understanding of Ayurveda's theory of like increasing like, relief for irritated eyes can be found quickly and easily. The first step is to reduce anything that will cause the aggravation to increase such as bright direct sunlight, dryness,  and hot spicy foods.

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Ayurveda Healing Ananga Ayurveda Healing Ananga

How to Have a Healthy Autumn


Ayurveda teaches us the art of cultivating personal well-being. It teaches us how to balance our internal environment with whatever is going on around us healthfully and peacefully.

Health is Wealth
The greatest gift you can give yourself is the ability to live in health. Ayurveda expresses this idea of “health” in it’s fullest potential. In Ayurveda health means more than the absence of disease; health means possessing vitality. It means waking up every morning with energy, enthusiasm and a sense of purpose. Ayurveda can help you achieve this.

Flowing with the Seasons

Ayurveda teaches us that everything moves in cycles: like the cycle of day and night, and the cycle of the seasons. In this article we will be focusing specifically on keeping healthy during the Autumn season, when the yearly wheel turns from the hot summer to the colder, drier Autumn. If you read my article on Clues for Easily Understanding the Doshas, you may already have an idea of how well Autumn fits the description of the windy nature of vata.

Of course, the seasons vary depending on where you live, and sometimes the weather is mixed, but for the sake of simplicity I'll keep to the typical idea of Autumn which is cooler, drier, and windier than the season it replaces. Cold, dry, and windy are all qualities of vata, so the general understanding of Ayurvedic Autumn health that by supporting yourself with the application of gentle opposites to cold and dry you can keep healthy during the Autumn season...
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